Bowlbys theory of attachment

Cards (7)

  • What is the monotropic theory as a part of Bowlbys theory of attachment
    Innate need to attach to a primary caregiver.
    Measure quality of relationship by looking at law of continuity (attachment constant + predictable) and law of accumulated seperation (separation is bad and parent must not be apart from child, safest dose is zero dose)
  • what are social releases as a part of bowlbys theory of attachment
    Infants emit releases such as ‘smiling’ which stimulates caregiving and attachment from adults
  • What is the internal working model as a part of Bowlbys theory of attachment
    Child forms mental representation of parent which is model for future relationships, affects ability of child to be good parent later in life
  • What is the critical period as a part of Bowlbys theory of attachment
    Attachment system active for 2 years, if no attachment formed then it will be harder to form one later in life
  • What is a weakness of Bowlbys theory for attachment
    Socially sensitive = Law of separation puts unethical pressure onto parents to never leave child
  • What is a weakness of Bowlbys theory for attachment
    Conflicting theories = Schaffer and Emerson found babies sometimes attached to multiple people which disproves the mono tropic theory
  • What is a strength of Bowlbys theory for attachment
    Research support for Internal working model by Bailey. Assessed 99 mothers by comparing their attachment to own kids and mother. Found participants with problematic relationship to mother would also have problems with kids