Cards (27)

  • Hazard
    is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage
  • Type of Hazards
    • Natural Hazards
    • Quasi-natural Hazards
    • Technological (Man-Made) Hazards
  • Natural Hazards
    arise from natural processes in the environment
  • Natural Hazards
    earthquake, tsunami, landslide, volcanic eruptions, and floods
  • Quasi-natural Hazards

    from the word "quasi" which means "partly or almost"
  • Quasi-Natural Hazards
    arise through the interaction of natural processes and human activities
  • Quasi-Natural Hazards
    pollution, smog, fog
  • Technological (Man-Made)

    arise directly as a result of human activities
  • Technological (Man-Made) Hazards

    accidental release of chemicals, toxic and pesticides; nuclear raditions; factory explosions; fires
  • Hazard Signs and Symbols
    designed to become recognizable to anyone as a signal word like danger or warning
  • Signages can be found in places near fault lines where the
    damage is more dangerous.
    Fault Lines
  • Typically located near the sea where a tsunami might
    occur after a strong earthquake.
  • Signages can be located
    near an active volcano. They
    serve as a precaution for
    people or visitors that are
    near the area.
    Volcanic Hazard Zone
  • Flash Flood
    Flash Flood
  • Landslide
  • Avalanche
  • Tornado
  • Wild Fire
    Wild Fire
  • Falling Ice
    Falling Ice
  • Shark Zone
    Shark Zone
  • Elephant Crossing
    Elephant Crossing
  • Chemicals or other
    poisonous substances
    is released into the
    water which causes it
    to be dangerous not
    only to marine lives,
    but also to animals and
    Aquatic Toxicity
  • Fine solid particles
    and other
    dangerous air
    substances are
    spread-out to the air
    which causes it to
    affect or destroy our
    respiratory systems.
    Air Toxicity
    • Flammable
    • Self-heating
    • Emits Flammable Gas
    • Pyrophoric
    • Reproductive Toxicity
    • respiratory Sensitizer
    • Target organ toxicity
    • Aspiration toxicity
    Health Hazard
    • Explosives
    • Self-reactives
    • Organic Peroxides
    Exploding Bomb
  • Skull and Crossbones
    • Fatal or toxic
    • Acute Toxicity