Social Learning

Cards (16)

  • Who is associated with the SLT approach?
    Albert Bandura
  • Which approach does SLT fall under?
  • What are the key assumptions?
    • the importance of the environment - don't regard genetics
    • significant others shape our learning through observations
    • consequences will influence repetition of behaviours
    • importance of mediating cognitive factors
    • suggests learning occurs directly (conditioning) and indirectly
  • What are the similarities between behaviourists and SLT?
    • both pro-nurture
    • both look at consequences to influence repetition of behaviours
  • What are the differences between behaviourists and SLT?
    • behaviourists ignore mediating cognitive factors
    • behaviourists ignore looking at observational learning
  • Define modelling.

    when a role model demonstrates a behaviour which is then observed
  • Define imitation.

    when an observer copies the behaviour they have seen a role model perform
  • Define identification.

    when a person has some sort of desire to be like another and possess desirable qualities so they are similar to them
  • Define vicarious reinforcement.

    when a person observes behaviour being rewarded so they want to imitate the behaviour to receive the same positive consequence
  • Why may someone identify with a certain role model?
    • same sex
    • popularity / high social status
    • fame
    • attractive
  • Mediating cognitive processes
    • Bandura recognised that behaviours can be learnt via observation but may not be imitated until a later date
    • We can internalise them but may choose never to perform them
    • this highlights how there are though processes which occur between observation of a behaviour (stimulus) and imitation (response)
  • Attention (MCP)

    the extent to which we notice certain behaviours
  • Retention (MCP)

    how well the behaviour is remembered
  • Motor reproduction (MCP)

    the ability of the observer to perform the behaviour
  • Motivation (MCP)

    the will to perform the behaviour, which can be determined by whether the behaviour is rewarded or punished
  • Why does the mediational process show the difference between SLT and traditional behaviourism?
    the first two mediational processes relate to learning, and the second two to performance, unlike traditional behaviourism learning and performance may not need occur together - SLT shows behaviours can be stored