The Cost of war

Cards (3)

  • 27 million die as a cost of the Great Patriotic War
    • Leningrad victims were higher than the total wartime deaths of the US and UK together -estimated 1.5 million
    • Japan lost 7 x more than 1 US or UK
    • Germany lost 20 x more than 1 US or UK
    • Soviet cost was 85 x more than one US or UK
    • 70% deaths were young men - the future of the Soviet union
    • Women outnumber men at the end - 92 million women to 74 million men - over 21 million
    • 80 million people under German occupation at one time - 25 million move to east
  • One death is a tragedy - a million is a statistic
  • Economic
    • Scorched Earth Policy enacted - destroyed everything during retreats - Germans did the same as they retreated
    • 1700 towns destroyed - 70,000 villages destroyed - 65000 km of railways lost
    • 40% of agricultural output lost
    • 25 million homeless resultingly
    • over 2 million disabled in war