FLIGHT - ’Funding Learning Initiative for Girls in Higher education and Skills training‘ is funded by the government and supported by ITIs (Industrial training institutions)
FLIGHT has a budget of $336,000 to reach young and vulnerable women across 5 states, mainly Mahastrasha and Mumbai, and provides women with the opportunity to learn employability skills, and the opportunity to reach higher education
This has provided 750 young women the opportunity to reach formal education within the last 2 years, in which 65% of the 750 have gone into secondary or further education - women become more skilled and can become employed - BUT, they’ll still learn less than men (30% less)
UNssecond chance education programme - funded by PRADAN, offers opportunities for more women to reach secondary and higher education
This scheme has been provided with $4.5 million which has allowed them to reach over 70,000 women and girls over 4 states, one of which being Uttar Pradesh
The women involved gain employability skills, further education opportunities, qualifications, and work experience
Evidence of the success of this scheme is that 8,253 women farmers have been educated on how to increase their yield by 60% - consequently, they’ll make an addition $300 dollars annually