War timeline / itself

Cards (7)

  • 23rd august - Nazi Soviet pact signed - non aggressive and to split poland
    • Stalin had gained time for an inevitable war but squandered it by supplying the Nazi’s till the point of Soviet invasion
    • Eight months prior and eighy warnings ignored
  • Russia was on hit list as Hitlers aim was to destroy communism and increase living space
    • French British relations were already frosty
  • Operation Barbarossa - 22nd June 1941
    Stalin was surprised and there were no defenses prepared
    • Most of soviet air force is destroyed before it can take off
    • Targeted Moscow ( railway ) - Leningrad
  • June - December 1941
    2.6 million soviet soldiers killed
    3.3 million taken as prisoners of war - 2 million die from circumstances
  • Seige of Leningrad - September 1941
    • 900 days
    • 800,000 starve to death
    • rations fall to 8 ounces - scurvy
    • 1500 cannibalism arrests
    • factories run out
  • January 1942
    Lake Lagoda freezes over so 1.5 million evacuate
    • Once melted the British bring supplies
    • 7th symphony performed to Leningrad
    • Anna makes a speech on women
  • Kiev falls and 1.5 million Soviets die defending it - Stalin refused to let them retreat