Stalin dissapears for 5 days after operation Barbarossa - sort of depressed - 27th June - not seen till 3rd of July publically
Polit Beauraeu members set up State Committee for Defence for Stalin
Visit him and say they need him
Stalin becomes head of GKO ( War Cabinet ) - Power over everything in country
Becomes binding
Centralised power at its peak but relied on localities to get on board - war is only won through soviet people’s determination
Win war due to outproducing Germans in tanks, airforce - GKO accredited - 50% of Soviet GDP towards war
Military Supreme Command - Stavka - charge of operations
Stalin becomes commander in chief on July 20th and Chairman of Stavka on august 20th to defer blame
Bodies are kept delaborately seperate with stalin heading both so he’s the go between - he made decisions alone everywhere
Aimed to make Soviets self sacrificial and patriotic
Hard due to early military disasters
Victory is assured became slogan
Cult of personality grows - quasi religous - claimed staliln was savior - guiding light once military command - 7 speeches changed war forecast
emphasis placed on Foriegn invaders
Generallisimo - top military leader means Stalin is cemented after winning war - his word is gospel
Stalin - chairman - head + complete control
Molotov - Deputy chair - does excellent job + in charge of tanks
Malenkov - Aircraft’s
Beria - NKVD head - ammunition and armarment head
Voroshilov - representing armed forces
Vosnesenky - state planning - logistics within country
Mikoyan - food suppLies
Kaganovich - food supplies
Military supreme command/ Stavka
set up day after invasion
in charge of land, sea and air operation
Stalin is ultimate commander in chief but waits till 20th July - controls entire army and navy
Stavka head on 8th august - political position
Delierately kept seperate from GKO so can scapegoat individuals and make him go between
volga Germans
Many weren’t Nazi spies and had no connection to Germany at all
Over 600 thousand deported to Siberia - some happened to be wives and children of red army soldiers serving soviets
Repression - Chechen Ingush
Worked with nazis and began anti-soviet rebellion
spread further paranoia
2 million ethnic minorities - tartars, caucus groups deported to stans and Siberia
moved far from Germany and 1/4 die in transit due to inhospitable arrangements
Latvians and Estonians taken back from nazis and reannexed
most elites arrested and shot from fear of succumb to nazI Propoganda
Role of NKVD - January 9th
Stalin gives Beria free reign
Roles and responsibility increase - counter panic, monitoring party and people, identifying species and traitors in red army
Order 227 + 270 - no retreat or you're shot - prisoners of war were deserters
NKVD given permission to execute war prisoners on sight - refusing officers shot too
Soldiers guilty of cowardice sent to punishment brigades - specific missions - walk across mine fields to clear - 450 thousand sent
blocking detachments
groups of agents behind unreliable troops to shoot them if they retreat
13500 shot in first few weeks during battle of Stalingrad
Abolished October1942 by Zhukov as Stalins reliance on him increases - NKVD continue though
Nazi occupation
5 million Soviets at any time in Nazi occupied Europe
Over the course of the year
Some forced to work in Nazi concentration camps or killed and some collabed with Germans
150 thousand fought for nazis - perhaps coerced
150 thousand traitors punished harshly - other 4.85 million treated same - half to gulag
Stalin said anyone in Nazi Europe was contaminated - us west coast 30 thousand russias and some committed suicide instead of forced derogation - 3 million sent o gulag - 1/5 went home but labelled fifth columnist and ostracised