Political impacts of Great War

Cards (13)

  • Stalin dissapears for 5 days after operation Barbarossa - sort of depressed - 27th June - not seen till 3rd of July publically
  • Polit Beauraeu members set up State Committee for Defence for Stalin
    • Visit him and say they need him
    • Stalin becomes head of GKO ( War Cabinet ) - Power over everything in country
    • Becomes binding
    • Centralised power at its peak but relied on localities to get on board - war is only won through soviet people’s determination
  • Win war due to outproducing Germans in tanks, airforce - GKO accredited - 50% of Soviet GDP towards war
  • Military Supreme Command - Stavka - charge of operations
    • Stalin becomes commander in chief on July 20th and Chairman of Stavka on august 20th to defer blame
    • Bodies are kept delaborately seperate with stalin heading both so he’s the go between - he made decisions alone everywhere
  • Propoganda
    Aimed to make Soviets self sacrificial and patriotic
    • Hard due to early military disasters
    • Victory is assured became slogan
    • Cult of personality grows - quasi religous - claimed staliln was savior - guiding light once military command - 7 speeches changed war forecast
    • emphasis placed on Foriegn invaders
    • Generallisimo - top military leader means Stalin is cemented after winning war - his word is gospel
  • GKO
    • Stalin - chairman - head + complete control
    • Molotov - Deputy chair - does excellent job + in charge of tanks
    • Malenkov - Aircraft’s
    • Beria - NKVD head - ammunition and armarment head
    • Voroshilov - representing armed forces
    • Vosnesenky - state planning - logistics within country
    • Mikoyan - food suppLies
    • Kaganovich - food supplies
  • Military supreme command/ Stavka
    • set up day after invasion
    • in charge of land, sea and air operation
    • Stalin is ultimate commander in chief but waits till 20th July - controls entire army and navy
    • Stavka head on 8th august - political position
    • Delierately kept seperate from GKO so can scapegoat individuals and make him go between
  • volga Germans
    Many weren’t Nazi spies and had no connection to Germany at all
    • Over 600 thousand deported to Siberia - some happened to be wives and children of red army soldiers serving soviets
  • Repression - Chechen Ingush
    Worked with nazis and began anti-soviet rebellion
    • spread further paranoia
    • 2 million ethnic minorities - tartars, caucus groups deported to stans and Siberia
    • moved far from Germany and 1/4 die in transit due to inhospitable arrangements
  • Latvians and Estonians taken back from nazis and reannexed
    • most elites arrested and shot from fear of succumb to nazI Propoganda
  • Role of NKVD - January 9th
    Stalin gives Beria free reign
    • Roles and responsibility increase - counter panic, monitoring party and people, identifying species and traitors in red army
    • Order 227 + 270 - no retreat or you're shot - prisoners of war were deserters
    • NKVD given permission to execute war prisoners on sight - refusing officers shot too
    • Soldiers guilty of cowardice sent to punishment brigades - specific missions - walk across mine fields to clear - 450 thousand sent
  • blocking detachments
    • groups of agents behind unreliable troops to shoot them if they retreat
    • 13500 shot in first few weeks during battle of Stalingrad
    • Abolished October 1942 by Zhukov as Stalins reliance on him increases - NKVD continue though
  • Nazi occupation
    5 million Soviets at any time in Nazi occupied Europe
    • Over the course of the year
    • Some forced to work in Nazi concentration camps or killed and some collabed with Germans
    • 150 thousand fought for nazis - perhaps coerced
    • 150 thousand traitors punished harshly - other 4.85 million treated same - half to gulag
    • Stalin said anyone in Nazi Europe was contaminated - us west coast 30 thousand russias and some committed suicide instead of forced derogation - 3 million sent o gulag - 1/5 went home but labelled fifth columnist and ostracised