Bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation (MD)

Cards (7)

  • What is Bowlbys theory of MD
    Prolonged separation from mother has negative impacts on emotional and intellectual development also attachment formation.
    Believed critical period of 2 years exist to form attachment with primary caregiver > if not then emotional intellectual development
  • What are developmental effects of Bowlbys theory of MD
    MD leads to low IQ, research found low IQ In orphaned kids compared to fostered kids. MD leads to psychopathic personality: lack of remorse, empathy or healthy relationships
  • what are the procedures of Bowlbys 44 thieves study on MD 

    44 teen thieves interviewed for psychopathic personality , their family interveiwed for info on early seperations
  • what are the findings of Bowlbys 44 thieves study on MD
    14/44 had psychopathic personality and 12/14 of those had MD
  • Weakness of bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: critical period inaccurate
    Alternative evidence: Czech twins were locked in celler for 7 years and had severe emotional and intellectual delays until 14 shows no critical period. However theorised they attached to each other in critical period
  • Weakness of bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: methodological limitations
    Retrospective interveiws from teens + mothers are not accurate, also Bowlby made psychopath diagnosis so subjective > lack of interrater reliability
  • Weakness of bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: low validity
    Questioned that this was privation not deprivation, deprivation is loosing attachment whilst privation is never having any. MD linked to privation not deprivation