Social Learning Theory

Cards (8)

  • Who was SLT developed by?
  • Bandura believed that pure behaviourism could not explain why learning can take place in the absence of external reinforcement.
  • Bandura believed in the presence of models.
  • Bandura outlined the specific steps in the process of modelling that must be followed:
    • Attention
    • Rettention
    • Motor Reproduction
    • Motivation
  • Vicarious Reinforcement: Reinforcement of a behavior that is observed in another person.
  • Bandura conducted an experiment with Bobo Dolls and children.
    • Children’s aggressive behaviour was influenced by whether or not the teacher was punished for her behaviour
  • Prosocial models can be used to encourage socially acceptable behaviour.
  • Antisocial effects 1. Increased aggression 2. Increased criminality