Porters Generic Strategies

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  • What is Porters theory?
    Porter suggested two overall business strategies that could be followed in order to gain competitive advantage: Porter argued that differentiation and low cost are effective strategies for firms to gain competitive advantage
  • what is a competitive advantage?
    An advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices
  • Strategic Positioning with a Low-Cost Strategy
    If selling prices are broadly similar, the lowest-cost operator will enjoy the highest profits
    Little product differentiation
    • High levels of productivity & efficiency • High capacity utilisation • Large scale = economies of scale • Use bargaining power to negotiate (or demand) lowest prices from suppliers • Lean production methods and low-cost culture • Access to the widest and most important distribution channels
  • Strategic Positioning through Differentiation
    Superior product quality (features, benefits, durability, reliability) • Branding (strong customer recognition & desire; brand loyalty) • Wide distribution across all major channels (i.e. the product or brand is an essential item to be stocked by retailers) • Sustained promotion - often dominated by advertising, sponsorship etc
  • Hybrid Strategies
    Positioning as Both Low-Cost and Differentiation