1.2 - The East & West divide

Cards (23)

  • Why did the Soviets become an enemy after World War II?
    Because Hitler was defeated
  • What significant event did Churchill reference in his speech on March 5, 1946?
    The 'iron curtain' between East and West
  • What was the situation of communism in Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1949?
    • East Germany: USSR controlled, democratic republic formed in 1949
    • Hungary: Rakosi executed opponents, gained control by 1948
    • Czechoslovakia: Communists banned other parties in 1948
    • Bulgaria: Left-wing coalition won, communists executed leaders
    • Yugoslavia: Tito applied independent communism
    • Poland: Non-communist leaders arrested by Stalin
    • Romania: Communists abolished monarchy in 1947
  • What does the 'iron curtain' symbolize?
    The split between Capitalism and Communism
  • What action did Truman take in March 1947 regarding Greece and Turkey?
    Sent $400 million in aid
  • What was the impact of the Truman Doctrine?
    Prepared to aid countries threatened by Communism
  • What did Truman believe caused the success of Communism?
    Poverty and hardship faced by people
  • How much money did Europe owe the US after World War II?
    $11.5 billion
  • What was the Marshall Plan aimed at addressing?
    Hunger, poverty, and desperation in Europe
  • How much money did Congress initially refuse to grant for the Marshall Plan?
    $17 billion
  • What was the final amount Congress agreed to send for the Marshall Plan?
    $14 billion
  • What was the USSR's reaction to the Marshall Plan?
    Forbade Poland and Czechoslovakia from receiving aid
  • What was Cominform established for?
    To coordinate communist parties in Europe
  • What was the purpose of Comecon?
    To provide economic stability in Eastern Europe
  • What was unique about Yugoslavia's relationship with Moscow?
    Tito had no loyalty to Stalin
  • What happened to Yugoslavia in 1948?
    Expelled from Cominform for seeking Marshall aid
  • What were the events surrounding the Berlin Blockade and Airlift?
    • Germany split into 4 zones post-WWII
    • Trizonia formed by USA, France, Britain in June 1948
    • Deutsche Mark introduced on June 20, 1948
    • Soviet blockade initiated on June 24, 1948
    • Allies launched Berlin airlift on June 26, 1948
    • Airlift lasted until May 12, 1949
    • 2.3 million pounds of supplies delivered
  • Why did the Western allies choose an airlift over military action during the blockade?
    To avoid a sign of war through violence
  • When was the German Democratic Republic created?
    October 1949
  • When was NATO established?
    April 1949
  • What was the purpose of NATO?
    To provide mutual defense against the Soviet Union
  • What did the USSR create in 1955 in response to NATO?
    The Warsaw Pact
  • What significant event occurred in 1949 regarding the USSR's military capabilities?
    Successfully tested its own nuclear bomb