Exogenous zeitgebers are external environmental factors that reset biological clocks- a process known as entrainment
Without external cues, the free-runningbiological clock continues to 'tick' in a cyclical pattern. Zeitgebersreset the sleep/wake cycle: an interaction of internal and external factors
Light is a key exogenous zeitgeber that influences the sleep/wake cycle- it can reset the body's main endogenous pacemaker (SCN) and also had an indirect influence on key processes in the body controlling hormone secretion, blood circulation, etc.
Key study: Campbell and Murphy
Woke 15 participants at various times and shone a light on the backs of their knees- producing a deviation in the sleep/wake cycle of up to three hours.
Showed that light is a powerful exogenous zeitgeber directed by skin receptorsites and does not necessarily rely on the eyes to influence the SCN
Socialcues also have an important influence on the sleep/wake cycle
The sleep/wake cycle is fairly random in human newborns, but most babies are entrained by about six weeks. Schedules imposed by parents are a key influence, including adult-determinedmealtimes and bedtimes
Research also shows adapting to local times for eating and sleeping (not responding to one's own feelings of hunger and fatigue) entrains circadian rhythms and tackles jet lag