Types of Quantitative Research Design

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  • SURVEY RESEARCH: This type of research uses interviews, questionnaires, polls, and other similar instruments in order to gather data. These are usually distributed to a random sample in a population in order to obtain accurate data. Data can be collected in a variety of ways: in person, on social media, e-mail, on the phone, and many more.
  • CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH: This type of research aims to study the connection between two variables. The researchers would want to know how a certain variable can affect the other. This is different from causation; it is possible that there is no direct cause and effect relationship between the variables.
  • CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE RESEARCH: This type of research is used in order to verify a suspected cause and effect relationship between variables. It compares the variables but it does not focus on the relationship.
  • EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH: This type of research is based on a formed hypothesis. It aims to prove or disprove the hypothesis.