Cards (4)

  • Random Sampling: Every single member of the population has an equal chance to get selected as a respondent. This type of sample requires the researcher to name or number the entire population and select randomly from them. This is the best method of selecting a sample since it eliminates the bias and it represents the entire population. However, this method is hard to do
  • Stratified Sampling: The population is divided into different groups then the researchers would take unequal number of people to represent each of the groups. This type of method can be difficult to accomplish. However, it gives a good representation of the population.
  • Opportunity Sampling: The type of sampling is also known as convenience sampling. This method involves selecting respondents who are willing to participate in the study. This is the fastest way to collect data but it is prone to biases. In addition to this, the researchers cannot claim that their sample represents the entire population.
  • Systematic Sampling: All of the members of the population are listed and numbered. The researchers then take every nth members of a population. This can represent the entire population but it is difficult to do.