Cards (5)

  • Background – involves looking into the purpose, objectives, research questions, and hypothesis of your research to have a good idea on what type of data to collect
  • Questionnaire Conceptualization – involves formulating some questions and statements for the questionnaire
  • Format and Data Analysis – involves writing the statements and questions. You will develop a way to measure and quantify the data that you will gather. These are called the scales of measurement. You will also create a format for your questionnaire; this includes your medium, the layout, the font style, and the font size.
  • Establishing Validity – involves looking over your draft and making sure that it will be able to measure the data correctly and properly.
  • Establishing Reliability – involves making sure that the questionnaire is reliable. This means making sure that the questionnaire is accurate and precise in collecting and measuring data. In order to do this, the researchers can do a pilot test, wherein they will give out the questionnaire to a few people to make sure that it will perform correctly.