differences are called the variation within a species
2 types of variation
genetic variation
environmental variation
variation can be genetic - means it is called by differences in genotype
genotype id all of the genes and alleles an organism has
an organisms genotype affects its phenotype - characteristics that are displayed
an organismsgenes are inherited from its parents
characteristics are also influenced by the environment
most variation in phenotype is determined by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors
mutations are changes to the genome
mutations mean that the gene is altered which produces a genetic variant
as the gene codes for the sequences of amino acid that make up a protein, gene mutations sometimes lead to changed in the protein that it codes for
mostgenetic variants have very little to no effect on the protein the gene codes for, meaning most mutations have no effect on an organisms phenotypw
very occasionally, variants cant have such a dramatic effect that they determine phenotype
if the environment changes and the new phentoype makes an individual more suited to the new environment, it can become common throughout the species relatively quickly by natural selection