
Cards (22)

  • What is meant by intention in terms of forming a contract?
    The parties to a contract must have the intention to be legally bound, when entering into an agreement. This means they expressly or impliedly agree that the contract is legally binding and therefore enforceable in court.
  • In business agreements. there is a strong presumption that parties intend to be legally bound, this presumption may be rebutted only by express words.
  • What case shows a contract failing as it is bound by honour and not law?
    Jones v Vernons pools
  • What is the significance of the case of Jones v Vernons pools?
    It is an example of a case failing as it was intended to be bound by honour and not law
  • What is the significance of the case of edwards v skyways?
    it is an example of a claim failing because language used in the contract showed how there was no intention to bind the contract in law.
  • What case is an example of a claim failing because language used in the contract showed how there was no intention to bind the contract in law
    Edward v Skyways
  • Offer of a free gift that is used to promote abusiness can be held to be legally binding.
  • What is the significance of the case of Esso petroleum co v commissioners of customs and excise?
    It shows how the Offer of a free gift that is used to promote business can be held to be legally binding.
  • What case shows how the Offer of a free gift that is used to promote a business can be held to be legally binding?
    Esso petroleum co v Commissioners of customs and excise
  • Where a company offers a prize in a competition the courts have decided that there is intention to be legally bound if this is to promote the company.
  • WHat is the significance of the case of McGowen v Radio Buxton?
    it was decided where a company offers a prize in a competition the courts have decided that there is intention to be legally bound if this is to promote the company.
  • Which case decided that Where a company offers a prize in acompetition the courts have decided that there is intention to be legally bound if this is to promote the company?
    McGowen v Radio buxton
  • What is the significance of the case of balfour v Balfour?
    It shows how agreements between a husband and wife are not immediately binding
  • What is the significance of the case of Merritt v Merritt?
    If a couple have separated in terms of their relationship and distance, their contract is binding
  • what case shows how If a couple have separated in terms of their relationship and distance, their contract is binding?
    Merritt v Merritt
  • What case shows how agreements between husband and wife are not presumed to be legally binding?
    Balfour v Balfour
  • What case shows that if there is a good relationship between the parties, their contract will not be binding?
    Jones v Padavatton
  • What is the signfiicance of the case of Jones v Padavatton?
    It shows how if the relationship between the members of the contract is good, their contract is not going to be legally binding
  • What is the significance of the case of Simpkins v Pays?
    It shows that even if the parties are socially/domestically related, if there is money exchanged then the contract is legally binding
  • what case shows if money is involved, the contract will be binding even if It is in a social/domestic setting?
    Simpkins v Pays
  • What case shows how if there is a good relationship, the contract will not be legally binding?
    Jones v Padavatton
  • What is the significance of the case of Sadler v Reynolds?
    It shows how if the contract has been made in a situation that is half way through business and domestic, then the person who wants to enforce the contrast must be able to prove that the contract was legally binding.