How to terminate an offer

Cards (19)

  • What are the 6 ways to terminate an offer?
    Accept the offer
    Revoke the Offer
    Reject the offer
    Counter offer
    Lapse of time
    The offerer dies.
  • In terms of accepting an offer, once an offer has been accepted and all the aspects of the contract have been fulfilled a legally binding contract exists between the parties.
  • In terms of revocation of an offer, the offer may be revoked by the offeror at any time until it is accepted. However, the revocation of the offer must be communicated to the offeree(s). Unless and until the revocation is so communicated, it is ineffective.
  • what is the signifcance of the cases of Routledge v Grant and Dickinson v Dodds?
    it shows how the offer may be revoked by the offeror at any time until it is accepted. However, the revocation of the offer must be communicated to the offeree(s). Unless and until therevocation is so communicated, it is ineffective.
  • What cases shows how the offer may be revoked by the offeror at any time until it is accepted. However, the revocation of the offer must be communicated to the offeree(s). Unless and until the revocation is so communicated, it is ineffective ?
    Routledge v Grant
    Dickinson v Dodds
  • In terms of rejecting an offer:
    • Once the offer is rejected, it cannot be accepted by the person.
    • If the offer is made to more than one person, rejection by one person does not mean the others cannot accept it
    • The rejection must be communicated to the offeror
  • In terms of counter offers:
    • A counter-offer also amounts to a rejection of the original offer which cannot then be subsequently accepted
    • If in their reply to an offer, the offeree introduces a new term or varies the terms of the offer, then that reply cannot amount to an acceptance.
    • Instead, the reply is treated as a "counter offer", which the original offeror is free to accept or reject
  • What is the significance of Routledge v Grant?
    It is an example of effective revocation.
  • What is the significance of the case of Dickinson v Dodds?
    It shows how a third party can communicate the revocation of the offer so long as they are trusted.
  • What case shows generally an effective revocation?
    Routledge v grant
  • What case shows how a third party can tell the offeree that the offer has been revoked so long as they are trusted?
    Dickinson v Dodds
  • What is the significance of the case of Hyde v Wrench?
    It shows an example of counter offers in practice
  • What case shows counter offers in practice?
    Hyde v Wrench
  • What case shows how requests for information during a negotiation period are not counter offers?
    Stevenson v Mclead
  • What is the significance of Stevenson v Mclead?
    It shows how Requests for information during negotiation periods are not counter offers.
  • In terms of a lapse of time:
    • Where an offer is stated to be open for a specific length of time, then the offer automatically terminates when that time limit expires. Where there is no express time limit, an offer is normally open only for a reasonable time
  • What case illustrates a reasonable time in terms of a lapse of time terminating an offer?
    Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore
  • What is the significance of the case of Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore?
    it illustrates a reasonable time in terms of a lapse of time terminating an offer.
  • In terms of death:
    • if the offeree dies then the offer ends. Those dealing with the estate cannot accept on his/her behalf.
    • If the offeror dies, acceptance can still take place until the offeree learns of the offerors death.