If the statistical test is not significant, the null hypothesis is accepted
The null hypothesis states there is 'no difference' or 'no correlation' between the conditions
The statistical test determines which hypothesis (null or alternative) is 'true' and this which we accept and reject
Probability is a measure of the likelihood that a particular event will occur, where 0 is a statistical impossibility and 1 a statistical certainty
There are no statistical certainties in psychology but there is a significance level- the point at which the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected
The usual level of significance is 0.05 (or 5%)
This means there is a 5% chance that the results of a particular study sample occurred even if there was no real difference in the population (i.e. the null hypothesis is true)
Stringent levels of significance (i.e. 1%) may be used in life or death or one-off situations
Type I error:
The null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted when the null hypothesis is 'true'
This is an optimistic error or false positive as a significant difference or correlation is found when one does not exist
Type II error:
The null hypothesis is accepted but, in reality, the alternative hypothesis is 'true'
This is a pessimistic error or a false negative
What makes a type I error more likely?
If the significance level is too lenient (too high e.g. 0.1 or 10%)
What makes a type II error more likely?
If the significance level is too stringent (too low, e.g. 0.01 or 1%) as potentially significant values may be missed