content analysis is when a researcher looks at content of something and further analyses it
by conducting content analysis the researcher tends to make observations indirectly through books, films and advertisements (any artifact people have produced) rather than observing people
there are 3 main reasons that researchers must consider during content analysis including:
sampling method
coding the data
method of representing data
researchers must consider the sampling method they use during content analysis
research has to decide following:
what researcher will look at (pages in book)
how does researcher select sources (if comparing books)
how does researcher sample behaviours (if looking at TV advert)
researcher must consider coding data during analysis
if researcher uses behavioural categories
if decisions about behavioural categories may involve thematic analysis
researchers should consider the methods of presenting data dyring content analysis:
to identify behavioural categories
to record instances in each category
count instances - quantitative anlsysis
describe examples - qualitative analysis
example of researchers conducting content analysis
manstead and mcculloch - interested in way men and women portrayed tv adverts
observed 170 adverts over 1 week period (ignoring those containing only children or animals)
within each advert they focused on central adult figure and recorded frequencies in a table
example of qualitative content analysis - joronen and astedt kurki
considered role of family in adolescents peer and social experiences
conducted semi structured interviews with 19 adolescents and produced 234 pages of notes - analysed using content analysis
all answers to same question were placed together
each statement was compressed and given identifier code
statements were compared and categorised
categories then grouped into larger units - producing 8 main categories
conclusion - school should pay more attention to multiple relationships that determine adolescents behaviour
strengths of doing content analysis
high ecological validity as based on observations of what people do
observations can be tested for reliability as content analysis can be replicated
limitations of content analysis
observer bias reduces objectivity and validity or findings