intention to create legal relations

Cards (8)

  • intention to create legal relations
    there must be an intention of both parties to create legal relations and make the contract legally binding
  • presumption
    a legal starting point when making a decision
  • rebuttal
    to dismiss a presumption due to evidence to the contrary
  • business agreements are presumed to be legally binding
    • the offer of a free gift (Esso Petroleum)
    • prizes offered in competitions (McGowen v Radio)
  • business agreements rebuttal
    • evidence it's not intended to be legally binding (Jones v Vernon Pools)
    • vague or clearly not intended to be taken seriously (Maclnnes v Gross)
    • comfort letter (Kleinwort Benson)
  • social and domestic arrangements between friends and family not legally binding
    (Balfour v Balfour)
    (Jones v Padvatton)
  • social and domestic arrangements rebuttal - intended to be legally binding
    • (Merritt v Merrit) - agreement was made after they had already separated
    • (Simpkins v Pays) - rebutted by the presence of an outsider
    • (Parker v Clark) - did intend the agreement to have legal force
    • (Redmacher v Graniting) - prenuptial agreements
  • halfway house cases, between domestic and commercial arrangements
    (Salder v Reynolds)