Purity, formulations and chromatography

Cards (11)

  • a pure substance
    Only has one thing making it up
  • a mixture (impure substance)
    Made up of multiple elements or compouds
  • Compound
    two or more things chemically bonded together
  • Mixtures are not chemically bonded together
  • Chromatography is used to separate compounds
  • Inks and dyes have an Rf value
  • You draw the start line of a chromatography experiment in pencil since ink would mix/dissolve with solvent
  • Solvent
    Liquid with a dissolved solute
  • Solute
    A component in a solution dissolved into a solvent
  • Solution
    Liquid mixture
  • Formulations
    A mixture of compounds that have been measured out specifically
    Designed for specific uses