Wilson & Kelling

Cards (7)

  • What was the background?
    • Newark Experiment
    • Safe & Clean program in New Jersey to improve quality of life
    • Taking police officers out of patrol cars and assigning them to walking beats which wasn't well received by officers
    • After 5 years foot patrol showed no reduction in crime rates but had other benefits as people in neighbourhoods felt more secure and believed crime had reduced and a more favourable opinion of police
  • What was the aim?
    • To review how features of a neighbourhood can influence crime rates, changing role of police in US and strategies for maintaining order
  • What did Wilson & Kelling say about safer neighbourhoods?
    • Foot patrol officers - communities more reassured as officers help to maintain order and reduced fear of crime due to positive relationships with police creating community
    • Broken windows - target for disorder as people don't care and more vulnerable to drugs and crime and people move away if not sorted which breaks down community
    • Community controls - disorderliness leads to people fearing drunks and gangs so need more police to reinforce informal mechanisms in community as breaks down interaction between people & community control
  • What did W&K say about changing role of police?
    • New policing developments - role changed from maintaining order to detecting criminals as society wants undesirable people and behaviour arrested and decriminalisation of this removes order police have
    • Ensuring police treat people fairly:
    • Training of police is important
    1. Try variations of Newark Experiment
    2. Use informal social control methods e.g. community rules
    3. Employ Citizen Patrols e.g. Guardian Angels in NYC
  • What did W&K say about maintaining order?
    • US police forces experienced cuts and in some neighbourhoods foot patrols were useless
    • Key objective to identify neighbourhoods at tipping point where public order deteriorating but not unreclaimable
    • Few police depts. systematically identifying areas officers need assigning so they must look at neighbourhoods and decide where officers will make greatest difference
  • What strategies did W&K suggest to maintain order?
    • Private security guards
    • Tenant organisations e.g. Neighbourhood Watch
    • Hire off duty police officers to patrol buildings
    • Patrol officers encouraged to use public transport and enforce rules on drinking and disorderly conduct
    • Individuals ought to recognise importance of maintaining communities without broken windows
  • What were the conclusions?
    • Police may have been mistakenly encouraged to think they will be judged exclusively on their capacity as crime fighters and policing was focused on high crime areas
    • Should return to to view that police ought to protect communities as well as the individual crime stats measuring individual losses and not communal ones
    • Police should focus on value of maintaining intact communities without broken windows