Safe & Clean program in NewJersey to improve quality of life
Taking police officers out of patrol cars and assigning them to walkingbeats which wasn't well received by officers
After 5 years foot patrol showed no reduction in crime rates but had other benefits as people in neighbourhoods felt more secure and believed crime had reduced and a more favourable opinion of police
What was the aim?
To review how features of a neighbourhood can influence crimerates, changing role of police in US and strategies for maintainingorder
What did Wilson & Kelling say about safer neighbourhoods?
Footpatrol officers - communities more reassured as officers help to maintain order and reduced fear of crime due to positive relationships with police creating community
Brokenwindows - target for disorder as people don't care and more vulnerable to drugs and crime and people move away if not sorted which breaks down community
Communitycontrols - disorderliness leads to people fearing drunks and gangs so need more police to reinforce informalmechanisms in community as breaks down interaction between people & communitycontrol
What did W&K say about changing role of police?
New policing developments - role changed from maintaining order to detecting criminals as society wants undesirable people and behaviour arrested and decriminalisation of this removesorder police have
Ensuring police treat people fairly:
Training of police is important
Try variations of NewarkExperiment
Use informalsocialcontrol methods e.g. community rules
EmployCitizenPatrols e.g. Guardian Angels in NYC
What did W&K say about maintaining order?
US police forces experienced cuts and in some neighbourhoods foot patrols were useless
Key objective to identify neighbourhoods at tippingpoint where public orderdeteriorating but not unreclaimable
Few police depts. systematically identifying areas officers need assigning so they must look at neighbourhoods and decide where officers will make greatestdifference
What strategies did W&K suggest to maintain order?
Privatesecurity guards
Tenantorganisations e.g. Neighbourhood Watch
Hire offdutypolice officers to patrol buildings
Patrol officers encouraged to use publictransport and enforce rules on drinking and disorderly conduct
Individuals ought to recognise importance of maintaining communities without brokenwindows
What were the conclusions?
Police may have been mistakenly encouraged to think they will be judged exclusively on their capacity as crimefighters and policing was focused on highcrime areas
Should return to to view that police ought to protectcommunities as well as the individual crime stats measuring individual losses and not communal ones
Police should focus on value of maintaining intact communities without brokenwindows