
Cards (4)

  • Name crime prevention strategies
    • Threat of punishment - deterrence
    • Alarms - deterrence
    • Pulling levers - deterrence
    • Target hardening - securing locks etc making it harder for crime
    • Surveillance - Newman
    • Housing and neighbourhood layout - Newman
  • Outline Neighbourhood Watch Schemes
    • Set up in response to Kitty Genovese and work under Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network
    1. Neighbours decide to discuss & find out who interested
    2. Group contacts NHWN to register association & context to police authority
    3. Group consider what wanting to achieve in estate w/ crime prevention
    4. Once aims established, coordinator appointed as key contact between police + scheme members
    • Works because there is surveillance in the neighbourhood which helps residents feel more reassured which reduces fear of crime
  • What is the usefulness and effectiveness of Neighbourhood Watch?
    • Most useful when can see each other's houses - supported by concept of Milieu
    • Trusted source of info and support useful for elderly who are vulnerable
    • Acts as a deterrent for offenders by increasing awareness local residents looking for and reporting suspicious behaviour
    • Also increases relationship between police and community members
  • Outline Pulling Levers policing
    • Form of special deterrence
    • Selecting particular crime problems like drugs and pulling together law enforcement group including police & probation services
    • Key offenders identified and law enforcement operation directed at them and using any or all legal levers to sanction them
    • Police communicate directly with offenders to let them know and how to avoid enforcement action
    • Works as deterred from committing crime in future as aware costs outweigh benefits of crime