Cards (40)

  • Single-celled eukaryotic microorganisms belonging to kingdom protista are classified as Protozoa
  • Protos - first; Zoon - animal
  • Most of the protozoa are completely nonpathogenic but few may cause major diseases such as malaria, leishmaniasis, and sleeping sickness.
  • Protozoa exhibit wide range of size (1-150 micrometer), shape, structure yet possess essential common featurs
  • 2 portions of cytoplasm: Endoplasm and Ectoplasm
  • Ectoplasm- outer homogenous part; Endoplasm- inner grandular portion of cytoplasm
  • Ectoplasm serves as the organ for locomotion and for engulfment of food by producing pseudopodia
  • Ectoplasm helps in respiration, discharging of waste material, and in providing protective covering of cell
  • Endoplasm contains nucleus
  • Nucleus is usually single, but may be double or multiple
  • Some species has as many as hundred nuclei in a single cell
  • the nucleus contains one or more nucleoli or a central karyosome
  • Morphology
    Protozoa - Unicellular
    Metazoa - Multicelluar
  • Physiology
    Protozoa - 1 : many
    Metazoa - 1 : 1
  • Sarcomastigophora is divided into 2 subphylums
    1. Sarcodina
    2. Mastigophora
  • Sarcodina - Amoeba; Mastigophora - Protozoa
  • Sarcodina have no permanent locomotory organs, but move about with the aid of temporary prolongations of the body called pseudopodia
  • Sarcodina (Sacros, meaning flesh or body)
  • Mastigophora (Mastix, meaning whip or flagellum)
  • Mastigophora is divided into 2
    1. Atrial flagellates
    2. Hemoflagellates
  • Atrial flagellates
    1. C - Chilomastix mesnili
    2. D - Diantamoeba fragilis
    3. G - Giardia lamblia
    4. T - Trichomonas
  • Hemoflagellates
    1. L - Leishmania
    2. T - Trypanosoma
  • Sarcodina
    1. I - Iodamoeba butschlii
    2. N- Naegleria fowleri
    3. A -Acanthamoeba castellani
    4. E - Entaboeba
    5. E - Edolimax nana
  • ciliophora - motile by means of cilia
  • only human paasite/ parasite of public health interest is Balantidium coli
  • B. coli habitat - large intestine
  • disease caused by B. coli is dysentery
  • Phylum Apicomplexa is formerly known as sporozoa
  • members possess apical complex at some stage in their life cycle
  • apical complex serves as the organ of attachment to the host cell
  • Apicomplexa are tissue parasites
  • Apicomplexa have a complex life cycle with alternating sexual and asexual generations
  • Apicomplesa
    1. B - Babesia
    2. C - Cryptosporidium
    3. C - Cyclospora
    4. I - Isospora
    5. P - Plasmodium
    6. T - Toxoplasm
  • Phylum microspora contains many minute intracellular protozoan parasites which frequently cause disease in immunodeficient subjects
  • microspora rarely cause illness in the immunocompetent
  • microscopra consists of spore-forming parasites of both vertebrates and invertebrates
  • microscopra is grouped as sporozoa because of some structural differences
  • Microscopra
    1. P - Pleistophora
    2. E - Encephalitozoon
    3. T -Trachipleistophora
    4. V - Vittaforma
    5. E - Enterocytozoon
    6. B - Brachiola
    7. M - Microsporidium
  • Sporozoans are obligate intracellular parasites that reproduce by binary fission within host cells, with no free living stage.
  • The life cycle of Sporozoa involves alternating generations between two hosts (heteroxenous) or one host (homoxenous).