Cards (22)

  • Psychodynamic Exp. AO3 - Supporting evidence
    • Bowlby compared 44 thieves with 44 control patients
    • Control Ps had experienced early separations, whereas 39% of thieves had experienced early separations
    • In addition, 86% of the thieves with an affectionless character had experienced frequent separations (12/14 thieves), whereas 17% of the 'non-affectionless' thieves (5 out of 30) had experienced frequent separations
    • This shows that prolonged early separations of the child from their mother causes affectionless psychopathy, and that this in turn leads to criminal behaviour.
  • Psychodynamic Exp. AO3 - Supporting evidence counterpoint
    • However, there are criticisms with this supporting evidence because only correlational links between early separations and delinquent behaviour were found.
    • There may be other (extraneous) variables which caused the delinquent behaviour - ex. there may have been other problems at home, which caused the mother to be away from home a lot; which provide a better explanation for the delinquent behaviour
    • This is a problem because Psychology is a science, and science requires that cause and effect relationships can be established.
  • Psychodynamic Exp. AO3 - Little evidence for superego
    • Freud's theory of psychosexual development was only supported by a case study of one boy
    • Given that none of these individuals had committed crime, it is difficult to extrapolate Freud's ideas concerning the superego to criminal behaviour
    • This would criticise the deviant superego theory for offending behaviour.
    • The idea that criminal behaviour reflects an unconscious desire for punishment seems implausible, as most offenders go to great lengths to conceal their crimes which suggests that they want to avoid punishment at all costs.
  • Psychodynamic Exp. AO3 - Gender bias
    • Freud proposed that women should develop a weaker superego than men because they don't identify as strongly with their same-sex parent as boys do
    • Partly because girls do not experience castration anxiety so they are under less pressure to identify with their mothers
    • As a result of this females should have low morality and are more prone to offending behaviour than males
    • This suggests that there are fundamental differences between men and women, which is alpha bias and does not match the reality within society
  • What is the role of the superego according to Blackburn’s theory?
    It punishes the ego through guilt and rewards with pride
  • Why does an inadequate superego lead to criminal behaviour?
    Because the id is given free reign and is not controlled
  • At what stage of development is the superego formed?
    Phallic stage
  • What is the consequence of a weak superego?
    More likely to behave immorally due to lack of identification
  • What is the consequence of a deviant superego?
    Leads to offending behaviour due to internalised deviant values
  • What is the consequence of an over-harsh superego?
    May drive criminal acts to satisfy the need for punishment
  • What is Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation?
    Failure to form a bond with the mother leads to emotional consequences
  • Why is the first three years critical in Bowlby’s theory?
    Because it is the critical period for forming a bond
  • What is the term used to describe the personality type resulting from maternal deprivation?
    Affectionless psychopathy
  • Why are maternally deprived individuals more likely to offend?
    Because they lack guilt and empathy
  • What is the impact of maternal deprivation on relationships in adulthood?
    Unable to form close relationships with others
  • What are the types of inadequate superego and their consequences?
    • Weak superego: More likely to behave immorally due to lack of identification
    • Deviant superego: Leads to offending behaviour due to internalised deviant values
    • Over-harsh superego: May drive criminal acts to satisfy the need for punishment
  • What are the key points of Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation?
    • Failure to form a bond with the mother leads to emotional consequences
    • Critical period is the first three years
    • Results in affectionless psychopathy, characterised by lack of guilt and empathy
    • Maternally deprived individuals are more likely to offend and unable to form close relationships
  • What is the Electra Complex in relation to superego formation?
    It is resolved during the phallic stage to form the superego
  • What is the role of the same-sex parent in superego development?
    Provides a model for identification during the phallic stage
  • What is the 'monotropic' figure in Bowlby’s theory?
    The primary caregiver, usually the mother
  • What are the specific emotional consequences of prolonged separation before age 3?
    Damage and irreversible consequences in later life
  • What are the exact characteristics of 'affectionless psychopathy'?
    Lack of guilt and empathy