sexual reproduction is reproduction involving the fusing of gametes (eg sperm and egg in animals or pollen and ovule (egg cell) in plants) there will be 2 parents
asexual reproduction is reproduction that does not involve gametes and there is only one parent
for sexual reproduction, the main type of cell division is meiosis
for asexual reproduction the main type of cell division is mitosis
in sexual reproduction the offspring show genetic variation
in asexual reproduction the offspring do not show genetic variation
in sexual reproduction, offspring inheritgenetic information from both parents when the two gametes fuse
gametes are produced by meiosis so all the gametes will be geneticallydifferent from each other
the selection of which gametes fuse is random
plants and microbes reproduce asexually through:
budding in yeast
binary fission in bacteria
asexual reproduction does not involve sex between the parents
sexual reproduction results in variation
a clone is produced by asexualreproduction
some plants can reproduce by both sexual and asexual reproduction