Economic protection and autocracy vs democracy

    Cards (8)

    • What is economic protection?
      Tariffs (tax) on imports to protect home industries, opposite of free trade
    • Why did Bismarck want to allow tariffs?
      • Central Association of German Manufacturers were campaigning for tariffs in Germany as wells as peasants campaigning for tariffs against foreign grain
    • What were the disadvantages of introducing tariffs according to Bismarck?
      • Economic protection is a threat to agricultural incomes, which undermines the economic protection of aristocracy
      • Germany should be able to feed itself, in case of war
    • What were the disadvantages of introducing tariffs, according to Bismarck?
      • Tariffs could improve govt revenue
      • Working w/ German Conservatives - Junkers and factory owners - and the Zentrum would help battle socialism
      • Could be retaliation against Russia (from whom Germany imported wheat) after disputes over the Balkans in 1877-8 + further retaliation as Russia formally adopted protection in 1878
    • Bismarck's relationship with the Reichstag?
      • Constitution offers a form of democracy + Bis expected that conservative German peasants would be loyal to the state
      • However, rise of industry, economics led to industrialised population that wanted a real democracy through elected reps
      • Bis hated taking account for anyone else's views, even Kaiser
      • Never shared power w/ other ministers and he forbid them to develop a responsible cabinet
      • Bis was forced to align himself with diff political groups but he had little patience for them, but Reichstag approval was necessary for legislation
    • Bismarck moves on from the National Liberals
      • They supported him during Kulturkampf but after came clashes over Press Law, military budget, protection, anti-socialism measures
      • This brought the alliance to an end
      • 1881, Progessives gained majority in Reichstag elections and around 75% of Reichstag deputies were hostile to Bis govt, challenged measures
      • Bis had to create majorities from various groups according to the measure he wanted accepted - cause pace of legislation to slow
    • How did the NL party develop in response to regular elections and Chancellor's need for majority in the Reichstag?
      • Dominant in 1871-8
      • Divided over Press Law and Army Bill 1874
      • Split over tariff reform and Anti-Socialist Law 1878-9
      • Right wing of party supported Bis, left wing broke off and went to Progressives
    • How did the Zentrum develop?
      • Weakened by Kulturkampf