Tariffs (tax) on imports to protect home industries, opposite of free trade
Why did Bismarck want to allow tariffs?
Central Association of German Manufacturers were campaigning for tariffs in Germany as wells as peasants campaigning for tariffs against foreign grain
What were the disadvantages of introducing tariffs according to Bismarck?
Economic protection is a threat to agricultural incomes, which undermines the economic protection of aristocracy
Germany should be able to feed itself, in case of war
What were the disadvantages of introducing tariffs, according to Bismarck?
Tariffs could improve govt revenue
Working w/ German Conservatives - Junkers and factory owners - and the Zentrum would help battle socialism
Could be retaliation against Russia (from whom Germany imported wheat) after disputes over the Balkans in 1877-8 + further retaliation as Russia formally adopted protection in 1878
Bismarck's relationship with the Reichstag?
Constitution offers a form of democracy + Bis expected that conservative German peasants would be loyal to the state
However, rise of industry, economics led to industrialised population that wanted a real democracy through elected reps
Bis hated taking account for anyone else's views, even Kaiser
Never shared power w/ other ministers and he forbid them to develop a responsible cabinet
Bis was forced to align himself with diff political groups but he had little patience for them, but Reichstag approval was necessary for legislation
Bismarck moves on from the National Liberals
They supported him during Kulturkampf but after came clashes over Press Law, military budget, protection, anti-socialism measures
This brought the alliance to an end
1881, Progessives gained majority in Reichstag elections and around 75% of Reichstag deputies were hostile to Bis govt, challenged measures
Bis had to create majorities from various groups according to the measure he wanted accepted - cause pace of legislation to slow
How did the NL party develop in response to regular elections and Chancellor's need for majority in the Reichstag?
Dominant in 1871-8
Divided over Press Law and Army Bill 1874
Split over tariff reform and Anti-Socialist Law 1878-9
Right wing of party supported Bis, left wing broke off and went to Progressives