Explaining Phobias

Cards (15)

  • Fill in the blank terms of Classical Conditioning
    A) Pavlov
    B) Unconditioned Stimulus
    C) Unconditioned response
    D) Neutral Stimulus
    E) No Response
    F) Food + Bell
    G) Unconditioned Response
    H) Conditioned Stimulus
    I) Conditioned Response
    J) Before
    K) During
    L) After
  • What are the different types of phobias mentioned?
    Specific phobias and social phobias
  • How do specific phobias differ from social phobias?
    Specific phobias are caused by one thing, rather than the environment the person is in
  • What types of reactions can phobias cause in individuals?
    Behavioral, cognitive, or emotional reactions
  • What is a neutral stimulus?
    An event that does not produce a response
  • What is an unconditioned stimulus?
    An event that produces an innate reflex response
  • What is a conditioned stimulus?
    An event that produces a learned response
  • What is an unconditioned response?
    An innate reflex behavior to an unconditioned stimulus
  • What is a conditioned response?
    A learned reflex behavior to a conditioned stimulus
  • How does classical conditioning contribute to the development of phobias?
    It associates negative responses with conditioned stimuli
  • What role does operant conditioning play in phobias?
    It reinforces phobias through positive or negative reinforcement
  • What happens if someone scared of beaches loses their wallet there?
    It negatively reinforces their phobia
  • What are the points regarding the development of phobias through trauma?
    • Phobias can develop through evolution
    • Exposure is not always necessary for phobia development
    • Classical conditioning may not explain all phobias
  • How do classical and operant conditioning maintain phobias?
    • Classical conditioning creates phobias
    • Operant conditioning reinforces phobias
    • Actions conditioned can be retained over time
  • What are the criticisms of classical conditioning in explaining phobias?
    • It oversimplifies phobia development
    • Ignores cognitive explanations
    • A+B causes fear rather than complex feelings