Tribuna potestas - the right to veto and make laws, and be inviolate. Held by Augustus and Agrippa
Imperium maius proconsulare - the right to command an army greater than that of a consul. Can override any imperator/governor. Awarded to Agrippa in 13 BC and Augustus in 19 BC
Octavii - the family Octavian was born into, not very prominent political family
Dominant group - opposed Octavian
Blocked the wishes of others
Tried to hold up the oligarchy
Forced to seek tribunician support in the tribal assembly
Sought popular support against the oligarchy
Mos maiorum
‘Way of elders/ancestors’
Moral and ethical code a society aspires to
Constantia - perseverance
Pietas - respect for gods, family and homeland "justice to the gods"
Gravitas - dignity and seriousness
Cultus - maintaining Roman-gods relationship through religio e.g. sacrifices
Virtus - manliness and excellence for the glory of the republic.
Dignitas - prestige and influence
Religio - proper observation of religious practices
Fides - honesty/reliability, politician would fulfil the expectations of their office
Disciplina - self discipline, training and method. Either in a military context or a personal level to practise a skill. Contributed to military success.