Subdecks (1)

Cards (13)

  • Taylor, Walton and Young 1973 - The New Criminology (Critical Criminology
  • Agreements with Marxism
    1. Capitalism based on exploitation 
    2. States makes and enforces laws in the interests of the capitalist class 
    3. Capitalism should be replaced by a classless society 
  • Disagreements with Marxism
    1. Marxism is deterministic - reject that wc driven to commit crime due to socioeconomic factors 
    2. Instead Voluntaristic 
  • Voluntarism: crime is a meaningful action and a conscious choice. Crime has a political motive. Criminals are deliberately striving to change society.
  • ‘Fully Social Theory of Deviance’
    1. Marxist ideas about inequality 
    2. The creation and enforcement of law 
    3. Ideas from interactionism and labelling theory about the meaning of deviance to the actor 
  • ‘Fully Social Theory of Deviance’: 
    1. The wider origins of the deviant act 
    2. Immediate origins of the deviant act 
    3. The act itself 
    4. The immediate origins of social reaction 
    5. The wider origins of social reaction 
    6. The effects of labelling