Cinematography terms

Cards (10)

  • angle = the position of the camera relative to the subject, such as high angle, low angle, or eye level
  • aspect ratio = the width:height ratio of the film framing, affecting the visual composition
  • close-up = a shot that tightly frames a subject's face or an object to show detail or emotion
  • composition = the arrangement of visual elements within a shot, including framing, symmetry, and balance
  • depth of field = the range of distance within a shot that appears sharply focussed, affecting how much of the scene is clear or blurred
  • dolly shot = a shot achieved by moving the camera along a track or dolly, allowing for smooth motion towards or away from the subject
  • establishing shot = a wide shot at the beginning of a scene, establishing context, location, or time
  • focus pull = shifting the focus from one subject to another within a shot to direct attention
  • long shot = a shot showing a subject from head to toe, or a broad scene, providing context or spatial relationship
  • pan = horizontal movement of the camera to survey a scene, or follow action