Cards (7)

  • Carl Linnaeus 1700s
    classified according to characteristics
    first divided into their kingdom and then smaller groups
  • Linnaen System
  • biochemical processes taking place inside organisms developed and microscopes improved, scientists forward new modules of classification
  • Carl Woese 1990
    proposed 3 domain system
    used new chemical analysis techniques
  • Carl Woese
    ARCHAE - organisms in this domain are primitive bacteria and often found in extreme places such as hot springs and salt lakes
    BACTERIA - contains true bacteria like E.coli and have lots of biochemical differences compared to archae
    EUKARYOTA - broad range of organisms including fungi, plants, animals and protsist

    these are then subdivided into smaller groups using old classification system
  • Binomial System
    first part refers to the genus that the organism belongs to giving info about the ancestry
    second part refers to the species
    Homo - genus
    Sapien - species
  • evolutionary trees
    show common ancestors and relations between species