Marxism crime

Cards (14)

  • Criminogenic capitalism (Gordon) - Marxist

    nature of capitalism causes crime to happen and makes it inevitable
    Nature of competition
    - w/c commit crimes to get ahead
    - corporate crimes - to keep company ahead of others
  • Critique: Criminogenic capitalism (Gordon) - Marxist

    Not all crimes are committed because of capitalism - e.g. revenge + hate crimes
  • State and Law Making - Marxist

    Law making + enforcement = serves interest of ruling class
    Chambliss - private property protection law only applies to those who own property - r/c
    Pearce - health and safety laws keep w/c healthy so they can work for bourgeoise
    Snider - laws to protect the w/c are not enforced (apart of the 'caring face of capitalism') whereas laws to protect r/c are
  • Critique: State and Law Making - Marxist
    Functionalists see the law as reflecting the value consensus and represent the needs of society
    There are laws that benefit the working class, including safety laws
    There are always going to be laws that don't apply to everyone
  • Reinman and Leighton - Marxist

    Selective enforcement -
    people in higher position aren't held as accountable for their crimes as people in lower positions

    Critique: Rich people don't get away with everything and are charged of crimes
  • Negatives - Marxism on Crime
    Doesn't explain non-utilitarian crime
    Ignores crimes from non-class inequalities (e.g. race/gender)
    Not all capitalist societies have large crime rates (Japan, Switzerland) so there must be other factors
    Ignores intra-class crime - crimes against people in the same class
  • Critical criminology - neo-Marxist

    Critical criminology
    Marxism = too deterministic
    Voluntaristic - idea that we have free will
    Crime is a conscious choice, criminals aren't passive puppets whose behaviour is shaped by capitalism
  • Taylor et al - neo-Marxist

    6 key aspects of crime
    Wider origins of the deviant act - what from wider society contributes to the act e.g. inequality
    Immediate origins of the deviant - what is the context of the crime, what caused it e.g. someone firing them
    Act and its meaning - what they did, was it reasonable?
    Immediate social reaction - police, were they arrested? people who saw the event + community reaction
    Wider social reaction - was it publicised, did society have a reaction?
    Effects of labelling - what label has been put on the crime and criminal
  • Critique: neo-Marxist
    Feminism - 'gender blind' - neo-marxists focus excessively on class inequality + ignore gender
    Left realists - argue they ignore intra-class crime and romanticise w/c criminals who are fighting capitalism 'Robin Hoods
  • Tombs - Marxist, corporate crime

    Financial crime - e.g. money laundering
    Crimes against consumers - e.g. identity theft
    Crimes against employees e.g. health and safety breaches
    Crimes against environment - e.g. waste mismanagement
    Corporate crime = worst, people don't recognise they're victims as it isn't inter-personal crime
  • Box - Marxist, corporate crime

    Mystification of corporate crime
    w/c people have been convinced that corporate crime is less wide spread and impactful than blue collar crime
  • Sutherland - Marxist, corporate crime

    Differential association - if you associate with people who commit crimes, you are more likely to commit them yourself.
    You become part of that culture and crime becomes normalised
  • Invisibility of corporate crime
    Media - limited coverage of corporate crime reinforces the stereotype that crime is mainly w/c
    Lack of political will - politicians being tough on crime is focused on street crime
    De-labelling - fines for corporate crimes rather than prison time = makes it seem less of a crime
    Under reporting - when the victim is society or environment the crime often goes unreported. Due to delabelling by the media, victims may not recognise it as a crime
    Critique: Organisation Greenpeace reports corporate crimes against the environment
  • Critique of corporate crime
    If capitalist pursuit of profit causes corporate crime, why do non-profit making state agencies (e.g. police, army) commit crimes as well