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  • Heidensohn 1996: the most striking thing about female behaviour is how conformist it is as the patriarchal society imposes greater control over women, reducing their opportunity to offend. 
  • Dobash and Dobash 1979: many violent attacks stem from men’s dissatisfaction with their wives’ performance of domestic duties. Men exercise control financially. Daughters are relegated to ‘bedroom culture’ as they are less likely to freely come and go and are more likely to have housework responsibilities. 
  • Islington Crime Survey: 54% of women avoided going out after dark for fear of being victims of crime v 14% of men 
  • Heidensohn: sensationalist media reporting of rapes adds to women’s fear 
  • Females controlled in public by their fear of not being defined as respectable.
  • Lees 1993: in school, boys control girls through sexualised verbal abuse like ‘slags’ if they fail to conform