A systematic question or problem, involving process of answering athe methodological formulation of a theoretical framework and methodology, collection, analysis and interpretation of pertinent data.
A process for collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions.
Criteria for Problem Selection
Newness of the topic
Significance of the topic
Availability of resources
Availability of data
Time Constraint
Qualification of the Researcher
Ethical Issues
STEPS involved in Conducting a Research
Identification of a Research Topic
Identification of a Research Methodology
Collection of Data
Processing of Data
Analyzing Data
Preparation and Presentation of Final Study
Classifications and Types of Research
Time Dimension
Whether you are trying to solve a particular problem or make a generalcontribution to knowledge.
According to Outcome
According to Outcome;
Basic (Pure)
This seeks to contribute knowledge through the development of a theory or concept without emphasis on its immediate application.
Basic (Pure)
This seeks to provide solutions to problems through the development and evaluation of processes, policies and other activities that require specific courses actions.
The reason why you are doing the study
According to Purpose
According to Purpose;
Descriptive Research
Exploratory Research
Comparative Research
Evaluative Research
Causal/Explanatory Research
Correlational Research
Experimental Research
It describes the nature of a situation as it exists in the present condition.
Descriptive Research
Descriptive studies may be characterized as simply the attempt todetermine, describe or identify what, who, when.
Descriptive Research
Accounting Practices of Selected Outsourcing Companies in Pampanga
It is an example of Descriptive Research
Cash Management of DEF Company
It is an example of Descriptive Research
It is undertaken to gather initial data patterns or characteristics of variables in a situation where studies have not been done or minimal data are available to establish significant patterns or relationships of variables in a specified scope.
Exploratory Research
Some of the more appropriate verbs to use in Exploratory Research
Find out
A study on the applicability of a new collection strategy for new customers.
Example of Exploratory Research
It is undertaken to confirm if two or more variables reveal similar or different patters of characteristics when compared, using a set of variables as standard bases.
Comparative Research
Some of the more appropriate verbs to use in Comparative Research
Determine similarities
Find out differences and contrast
A Comparative Study Between the Japanese Principle of Personnel Management and the Actual Practice in a Philippine Based Japanese Company
Example of Comparative Research
It is conducted to assess performance outcome or impact of a set of variables on another one.
Evaluative Research
In Evaluative Research, the appropriate verbs to use in the statement of specific objectives are:
A Study on the Implementation of the Approved Capital Budgeting Process in the different branches of MGV Company.
Example of Evaluative Research
It is carried to ascertain that the occurrence of, or change in the independent variables leads to changes in the dependent variables.
Causal/Explanatory Research
Some of the appropriate verbs to use in Causal/Explanatory Research are:
A study on the applicability of LIFO method in the food manufacturing companies in Region 3
Example of Causal/Explanatory Research
It is conducted to establish the fact that the outcome of certain patterns of relationships occur together in a specified manner without suggesting that one variable causes the other variable to change.
Correlational Research
The most appropriate verbs to use in Correlational Research are:
Types of Correlation
Positive Correlation
Negative Correlation
Zero Correlation
Both variables change in the same direction
Positive Correlation
The variables change in opposite directions.
Negative Correlation
There is no relationship between the variables.
Zero Correlation
It is undertaken to determine the possible cause and effect relationships through experimental and control groups.
Experimental Research
Interpersonal Relationship Skills Building Program: An Experimental Study
Example of Experimental Research
The manner of collecting and analyzing data
According to Process
According to Process;
It is a methodology used to gain an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior.
Different Qualitative Methods
Focus group discussions
Case studies
Content analysis
A study on the behavior of the community in the tourism program of the mayor.