Working with images

Cards (20)

  • Ways to insert an image:
    1. Insert option
    2. Drag and drop
    3. copy and paste
    4. linking
  • Ctrl + C to copy
  • Ctrl + V to paste
  • Why is linking beneficial?
    It saves a reference instead of the real image and saves space
  • Keyboard shortcut to link images?
    drag and drop while holding Ctrl + shift keys
  • The image toolbar is used to modify an image
  • Description of image toolbar:
    1. Image filter
    2. Image mode
    3. Crop
    4. flip horizontally
    5. flip vertically
    6. rotate 90 left
    7. rotate 90 right
    8. rotate
    9. transparency
    10. colour
  • Description of imagefilter:
    1. sharpen
    2. invert
    3. smooth
    4. remove noise
    5. solarisation
    6. aging
    7. posterise
    8. charcoal sketch
    9. relief
    10. mosaic
  • To delete the image, just select the image by clicking on the image and press the Delete key.
  • To display Drawing Toolbar in the Writer window, click on View > Toolbars > Drawing
  • Properties of the object can be modified or edited, either at the time of its creation, i.e. before you start drawing them or after its creation.
  • When properties are modified before creation, it is known as setting default values
  • To group drawing objects:
    Step 1. Select the object by clicking over it.
    Step 2. Hold the Shift key and keep on selecting all other objects by clicking on it to be included in the group.
  • Positioning of an image is controlled by four settings.
    (i) Arrangement
    (ii) Anchoring
    (iii) Alignment
    (iv) Text Wrapping
  • In Overlapping objects arrangement determines the position of the current drawing with respect to other drawings or text.
  • Anchoring acts as a reference point for image or drawing.
  • Alignment allows the vertical or horizontal placement of the image with respect to its anchor
  • Text wrapping allows the placement of image in relation to text
  • A digital image is represented in pixels
  • Linking an image saves only the link of the image instead of embedding the image. This saves space in case multiple copies of the same image are required.