Idiographicapproach: An approach to research that focuses more on the individual case as a means of understanding behaviour, rather than aiming to formulate general laws of behaviour.
Nomothetic approach: Aims to study human behaviour through development of general principles and universal laws.
Idiographicapproach to investigation:
Small sample sizes, usually a case study.
Use qualitative research.
The idiographic approach is most associated with the humanistic and psychodynamic approach.
Nomothetic approach to investigation:
Main goal is to generalise and create 'laws'.
Uses quantitative research to quantify human behaviour.
The nomothetic approach is most associated with the behaviourist and biological approaches.
Idiographic Evaluation (strength)
This approach contributes to the nomothetic approach.
It may shed further light onto conclusions reached by a nomothetic study.
This shows how it can still help create general 'laws'.
Idiographic Evaluation (limitation)
It is narrow and restricted.
Meaningful generalisation cannot be made without further examples.
This means it is difficult to build effective theories pf human behaviour in the complete absence of nomothetic approaches.
Idiographic Evaluation (strength)
They both fit within the aims of science.
They both use methods used by the natural sciences.
This means they both help raise psychology status to a science.
NomotheticEvaluation (limitation)
There is a loss of understanding of the individual.
It is too preoccupied with creating general rules that it loses the person.