Key Terms

Cards (68)

  • What is an allegory?
    A story conveying a hidden meaning
  • How does Duncan’s death serve as an allegory?
    It symbolizes the risks of killing a king
  • What is an allusion?
    An indirect reference to another work
  • What does an archetype represent?
    The first real example or ideal model
  • What is bathos?
    An abrupt anti-climax in tone
  • What does biblical language imply?
    It has religious connotations
  • What is a blazon?
    A poem describing a woman's physique
  • What is a caricature?
    An imitation with exaggerated characteristics
  • What is a colloquialism?
    An informal word or phrase
  • What is comic relief?
    Relief from tension through comedy
  • What does connotation refer to?
    Impressions associated with a word
  • What is a dichotomy?
    A division between two opposed things
  • What is a double entendre?
    A phrase with double meanings
  • What is dysphemism?
    Using an offensive term instead of a mild one
  • What is an epithet?
    A descriptive word or phrase for a person
  • What does epitome mean?
    A perfect example of a quality
  • What is epizeuxis?
    Repetition of words in succession
  • What is euphemism?
    Substituting a harmless term for an offensive one
  • What is an extended metaphor?
    A metaphor that continues over many sentences
  • What is foreshadowing?
    Suggesting future plot developments
  • What does grotesque mean?
    Ugly and distorted in a comic way
  • What is hyperbole?
    An extravagant exaggeration of fact
  • What is ideology?
    A system of beliefs and ideals
  • What is imagery?
    Visually descriptive or symbolic language
  • What is irony?
    Words where the meaning is contrary to expectations
  • What is juxtaposition?
    Placing opposing elements side by side
  • What does manifestation mean?
    A physical expression of an abstract idea
  • What is a motif?
    An element that recurs for emphasis
  • What is an oxymoron?
    A paradox combining contrasting terms
  • What is a parable?
    A story teaching a moral lesson
  • What is pathetic fallacy?
    Giving human emotions to nature
  • What is personification?
    Giving human traits to non-human things
  • What is a pun?
    A play on words with multiple meanings
  • What is satire?
    Humor used to criticize stupidity
  • What is a semantic field?
    Words grouped under one sub-heading
  • What is sibilance?
    Repetition of 's' sounds close together
  • What is a simile?
    Comparing something in a nonliteral way
  • What is symbolism?
    Using one object to expose a broader idea
  • What is a trope?
    A frequently used character or event type
  • What is zoomorphism?
    Imagery representing animal forms