Lesson 5: Types of Qualitative Research Designs

Cards (9)

  • Case Study
    • Takes Place in the field.
    • Involves long time study of persons, groups, orgs, or situation.
    • Finding the reason of such occurrence drives you to delve into relationships people related to the case under study.
    • Interviews, questionnaires, observations, documentary analysis.
  • Ethnography
    The study of a particular cultural group of people to get a clear understanding of its organizational set-up, internal operation, and lifestyle.
  • Phenomenology
    something known to the sensory experience, phenomenology refers to the study of how people find their experiences meaningful.
  • Content and Discourse Analysis
    Content analysis is a method in qualitative research that requires an analysis or examination of the substance or content of the mode of communication used by a person, group, organization, or any institution in communicating.
  • Content Analysis
    looks at the content of the communication, while discourse analysis looks at the context.
  • Content Analysis
    is best used to uncover trends and patterns in communication
  • Discourse Analysis
    is best used to uncover underlying power structures and ideologies
  • Historical Analysis
    Examination of primary documents to make you understand the connection of past events to the present time.
    The result of your historical analysis will help you specify phenomenological changes in unchanged aspects of society through the years.
  • Grounded Theory
    takes place when you discover a new theory to underlie your study at the time of data collection and analysis.
    Through your observation on your subjects, you will happen to find a theory that applies to your current study.