Pre-historic Time: Aside from writing, the medium of communication was through oral language primarily(oral communication). Primitive people created sounds and symbols to refer to the material world around them.
Prehistoric Time
A) Cuneiform
B) Codex
C) Papyrus
D) Woodcut
Industrial Age: which started in England and other European countries in the 18th century, was marked by the shift from an agricultural and handicraft economy to one dominated by machine and machine manufacturers.
The first book printed in more than one color under Johann Fust and Peter Schoffer’s partnership is Psalter, a collection of Psalms for devotional use.
Gutenburg Printing press by Johannes Gutenburg
Electronic Age: paved the way for the invention of movies, radio, and television. These developments dispensed with the need for literacy and people have since turned to mass communication for information and entertainment
Telecommunications enabled communication over distances. The telegraph and the telephone were invented by American Investors Samuel Finley Breese Morse in 1844 AND Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, respectively.
Electronic Age
A) Telegraph
B) Telephone
New Information Age (interactive communication): Through the computer, we are now capable of giving and receiving feedback instantly, especially with the marriage between the computer and telecommunications
Braille – (1824) universally accepted system of writing used by and for blind persons and consisting of a code of 63 characters, each made up of one to six raised dots arranged in a six-position matrix or cell.
Vitascope – a motion picture projector patented by Thomas Armat in 1895; its principal features are retained in the modern projector: sprocketed film operated with a mechanism (the “Maltese cross”) to stop each frame briefly before the lens, and a loop in the film to ease the strain.