Cultural Control

Cards (23)

  • Stalin is seen as a Demi-God and is unparalleled + unchallenged
  • Stalin outmanouveres potential threats
    • General Zhukov ( organised retaliation + stalingrad battle ) - sent him far away
  • Cult of personality is at its peak
    • Pictures of him everywhere
    • December 1949 - 70th birthday - massive portrait hung up in red square and lit up - made him look God-like
    • known as comrade - family - brother
  • Stalin has free reign over every aspect of Soviet life
    • anything western is bad and soviet is superior
    • Anyone with western contact was contaminated and he needed to contain them - he doesn’t want an unfavourable comparison of Soviet with west
    • Sent to gulags and very very few people could leave or enter
    • Anything western books were attacked, music, films etc were criticised and vilified
    • cutting Soviets off from outside world
    • Any news had to be censored twice to be accurate to Stalins perception
    • Party decided what was soviet culture
  • Zhdanov - head of culture
    • Drive for cultural purity = Zhdanovschina
    • Little say - he was stalins mouthpiece - his job was to bring Intelligensia into line
  • Zhanodvschina
    Hundreds of writers were condemned for bowing to West and expelled from the writers union = expelled + can’t publish
    • Anna Akhamatova took a hit - half nun - half whore - makes leningrad a target as its independant
    • Shostakovich ( symphony in Leningrad by candlelight ) attacked as a composer - couldn't perform again
    • Stravinsky - you had to have a special pass to listen to him = target on your back
  • Theatres
    closed down for performing bourgeoise or west plays
    • if you wanted to paint you had to follow state rules
    • Eisenstein - producing film on Ivan the terrible and Stalin personally intervened and had to justify brutality as parallels
    • Stalin liked old classics - class didn’t matter as much as message
  • Patriotism and nationalism pushed
  • linguistics
    stalin wrote a book 1950 - discredits all the experts for saying russian originated from Kiev - it had to have come from russia
    • Russia is superior
    • Over inflate russias importance - he’s asking people to give 30 hours weekly to rebuild
    • galvanising population
  • Science
    Russians invented steam - engine + aeroplane
    • Overinflated Russia and misleaded Soviets - easier for him to implement state guidelines
    • had to produce things for state stupidly
    • Relied on people he liked - Lysenko = biologist + agronomist - argued it was possible to make changes to plants by using environment instead of genetic modification
    • Giving Stalin easy solutions to complex issues and they’re rubbish - if you challenged theories you were jobless
    • biology + chemistry suffered
    • Physics less Intervention - theory of relatively ignored due to Marxist clash - develop atomic bomb
  • What was Lenin's view on Russian nationalism?
    He saw it as ironic.
  • What was Stalin's ethnic background?
    He was Georgian.
  • What was the purpose of the new Russification policy?
    To control ethnic minorities.
  • How did the Russification policy affect non-Russian republics?
    Top jobs went to Russians in various sectors.
  • What were the countries behind the Iron Curtain referred to as?
    Satellite states.
  • What was the central planning system established from Moscow?
    It included collective farms.
  • How many people were deported in the Baltics due to collectivization resistance?
  • What happened to the houses of peasants who resisted collectivization?
    Russians took over their destroyed houses.
  • How was Ukraine affected by the policies similar to the Baltics?
    It experienced similar deportations and repression.
  • What was the impact on individual cultures in Latvia?
    They were repressed.
  • What changes occurred in Moldova regarding language?
    Russian words were added and written in Cyrillic.
  • How did the Ukrainian language fare under these policies?
    It was spoken less and Russian was taught.
  • anti- Semitic
    • jewish first instead of Russian
    • vicious campaign o anti-Semitism after war - during war antifascist committee helped send Russian Jews to fight Nazi‘s - 1948 Stalin closes it and arrests leaders and executes 13 of them
    • Jewish politicians were redundant and lawyers, teachers etc writers and artist arrested and synagogues and schools shut
    • no textbooks recognised Marx’s Jewish
    • special area set up in Siberia discussed
    • jews out on trials for zionism - anyone wth family in Israel is connected to US - owed loyalty to Isreal instead of soviet - agents of west