Responses to women

Cards (5)

  • Which denomination believes in the Priesthood of all believers?
  • What is the Priesthood of all believers?
    All are equal before God, there is no need for God's grace to be mediated through a priest
  • What did people think women needed at the time of the Protestant reformation?
  • What was seen as equally important to the monastic life?
    The secular role of wife and mother
  • Ranks of the Church
    A) Anglican
    B) Church of England
    C) Roman Catholic Church
    D) Jesus Christ
    E) God
    F) The Monarch
    G) The Pope
    H) Archbishops of York and Canterbury
    I) Cardinals and Archbishops
    J) Bishops
    K) Bishops
    L) Archdeacons
    M) Priests
    N) Vicars
    O) Deacons