Early Bolsheviks - dealing with opposition 1917/1918

Cards (10)

  • Soldiers, workers + peasants
    Sent petitions for coalition government
    Postal + railway strike
  • What was Lenin’s response to soldiers, workers and peasants
    • Send representatives to manufacture a collapse of terms
    • Conceded by allowing some socialist revolutionaries into Sovnarkhom
    • agrees for constituent assembly elections to continue
  • What was Lenin’s response to opposition parties - Mensheviks + SR + Kadets + Trudevichs
    • Shuts down opposition press - Liberals and Kadets then socialist revolutionaries and marxists
    • Outlaws existence of other political parties - members were imprisoned and chekha became instrument of terror
  • How does Lenin deal with unwilling civil servants 

    • Purges civil service and promotes nepotism and loyalty to Bolsheviks over experience
    • Beurcracy becomes incredibly inefficent but obedient
  • Why did the middle classes and burszhui ppose a threat
    opposed communism beyond Belief
    • didn’t work with Bolsheviks at all
  • how does Lenin deal with middle classes nd bourgeoise?
    • Intrinduces class warfare between them and workers
    • Encouraged civil disarray and looting the ‘looters’
    • Bourgoise dress as workers to be invisible
    • replaced justice system with revolutionary justice = no help
  • how do elections and the constituent assembly pose a threat
    • direct competition for Sovnarkhom
    • first free election provides people with mandate over Lenin
  • how does Lenin deal with elections + constituent assembly?
    • Bolsheviks gain 24% of seats whilst Sociallist revolutaniaries gain 53% as there’s much more peasants than workers
    • Allows assembly to meet on 5th January 1918 and accuses it of being bourgeoise - period of capitalist and democracy and Constituent assembly is behind
  • how does Lenin deal with demonstrations outside of Sovnarkhom as CA is sent home?
    Shot them - mirroring tsar
  • How does Lenin dela with the war with Germany and desertion?
    March 1913 - signs treaty of brest-litovsk