Ending the war 1918

Cards (12)

  • Ideology
    Lenin wrote a manifesto - ‘state and revolution’ - transition to socialism
    Once in power - civil servant slammed doors, Alexandra told to go kitchen - Trotsky laughed at
  • Lenin focuses on pragmatism over ideological
  • Which three ways were the Bolsheviks split?
    • Lenin - end war at any price, economy is collapsing, German takeover + only way to move to socialism is no other distractions - prepared to be unpopular
    • Left communists - Bukharin - Turn war into a revolutionary one ( unrealistic ) - guerrilla tactics + failure would inspire proletariat of the west - optimistic
    • Trotsky - Negotiate till delay and defeat - neither war or peace - Lenin impressed - Stalin says its not a position at all
  • October 1917
    26 - Decree of peace - intention of peace not war
  • 1917 November
    13 - Trotsky ( war minister ) makes applications for Germans armistice
    19 - negotiations begin in Brest-Litovsk
  • 1917 December
    2 - one month armistice signed
    9 - negotiations for peace settlement - Trotsky begins to delay
  • 1918 january
    8 - Trotsky returns to Petrograd and meets with 63 Bolsheviks - vote on peace proceedings - revolutionary war 32 - neither war or peace 16 - peace 15
    11 - Bolshevik Central comittee voted 9 to 7 in favour of Trotsky
    17 - negotiations begin
    28 - Trotsky says their leaving war but no treaty
  • 1918 February
    1 - russians adopt gregorian calendar from Julian calendar - 14th Feb
    18 - Germans resume advance - bsolehvik central commitee have emergency meeting and vote 7 to 5 Germans conditions
    23 - 5 days f attack Germans advance 150 miles into Russia - Trotsky resigns as war minister
  • when was the treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed?
    3rd of March 1918
  • Consequences of the treaty
    • Called - shameful peace
    • half the human, industrial and agricultural resources of Nicholas II empire was lost
    • Treaty encouraged anti-Bolshevik Russians to join movements and caused civil war as Lenin wouldn’t power share
    • Left SR leftSovnarkhom as they favoured revolutionary war
  • How many people wre lost in the treaty
    62 million people
  • what percent of farmland was lost
    27% - including some of the best