Interactional synchrony

Cards (3)

  • What is interactional synchrony?
    When an infant mirrors the actions/emotions of another person
  • Outline Meltzoff and Moore's research into interactional synchrony.
    • controlled observation
    • adult model displayed different facial expressions and hand gestures
    • to start, child had dummy in their mouth to prevent facial expression
    • clear association between model and infant's behaviour
    • later, the same results were found in 3 day old infants
    • this suggests that interactional synchrony is innate
  • Evaluate Meltzoff and Moore's research into interactional synchrony.

    -reliability of testing babies: they move constantly so it is hard to investigate intentional behaviour, as some movements may have occurred by chance
    -observer bias: different observers may interpret behaviour differently to support their own findings
    -recent research failed to replicate the findings of the study