Conservative scandals 1963 - 1964

Cards (9)

  • What were the three scandals?
    • Argyll divorce
    • Profumo affair
    • Vassal inquiry
  • Vassal inquiry 

    • suggested government was not in control of the department
    • vassal was homosexual and blackmailed into giving info about security and nuclear subs to soviets and the navy covered it up
  • 1963 Vassal
    Philby was a soviet spy for decades - Cambridge spy ring
    • recruited for ‘glory of communism’
    • Head of SIS ( MI6 ) - head of anti-soviet department and a spy
    • Private school = couldn’t possibly betray country
  • 1963 Argyll divorce case
    Duke sued his wife on grounds of adultery
    • Two government ministers were involved = embarrassment
  • 1963 - Profumo affair
    Profumo starts an affair with Keeler who has an affair with with an official spy and military attache - Captain ivanov
    • McMillan believes Profumo who resigns and does MacMillan
  • Impact of Profumo affair
    Sorry state of affairs
    • reflected charcuterie of establishment and government - outdated and ridiculous
    • MacMillan was an oblivious and weak leader - out of touch with people and cabinet
    • October 1963 - resigns
  • Macmillans resignation 

    • October 1963
    • public pressure from news and satire
    • economy wasn’t well
    • orpington bi-election
    • reaction was night of long knives and sacks 1/3 cabinet
  • Issues with resignation
    Butler should’ve taken over but he was left of the party - chancellor, Foriegn secretary and home secretary
    • MacMillan despises him so he chooses ADH ( hereditary peer ) - precednt and convention is an MP
  • Alex Douglas - Hugh
    • Resigsn peerage and in 63 wins a bi-election and becomes an MP - only was he could resign