1964 election

Cards (6)

  • Orpington bi-election
    • 1959 - Conservative majority
    • 1962 - Liberals win - ex Conservative voters = economy is faltering
  • MacMillan sacked 7 ministers in an attempt to rejuvenate popularity - it failed
  • establishment vs Wilson - I like my salmon tinned
    • Labour presented as modern and prepared for swinging sixties and tech
    • Butler wasn’t made leader who was popular across Britain as drove affluence
    • Election was so close potentially saved it
    • Government included duke, heir to baron and entrenched class attitudes and no social mobility + satire rising
  • Party scandals
    • vassal and Blake - Blake convinced of being Soviet spy
    • Vassal civil servant blackmailed by Soviets over homosexuality
    • profumo - Secretary of State lied about sleeping with keegan who slept with Soviet spy
    • Whilst short lived impacts they reinforced idea that MacMillan was Edwardian and out of touch and losing party control
  • Economy -
    • lowest GDP and growth rate in Europe
    • 1.7 million on defence - 10% of gdp
    • Lacking infrastructure
    • Budget politics - led to major tax cuts and increased inflation leading to 800 million deficit
    • Stop go
    • 800k unemployed and pay pause hit nurses who- poorest the worse
  • Liberals gains 2 million votes which shows protest vote