Highly unpopular with the left so risked losing support
Economic and financial - couldn't alienate the US as the value of the pound
WW2 has bankrupted Britain, badly damaged and burdened with debt and two new superpowers - USSR + America
-1947 - British amabassador informs Washington of bankruptcy and would have to withdraw from Palestine, Turkey and Greece - same year independance is given to India marking colonial retreat
Lost empire but not found a role
EEC created in Schumann plan to guarantee safety in Europe especially with Cold War
Why did Britain not join the EEC?
Few politicians or journalists wanted Britain to take leadership in Europe
Left wing sceptical of free market principles in common market
Right preferred the commonwealth trade - Canada, new Zealand and Australia
Continental europes issue as Britain had won
Assumption that britain was still a great world power
Britain wanted to balance US relationship with Europe
1961 EEC Macmillan Application : why?
Boost industrial production for large scale export market
Increase industrial efficiency with competition
Stimulate economic growth with rapidity already exhibited by EEC
US saw Britain as vital link between Europe and America
Why was it complex?
Britain wanted to retain US relationship and commonwealth
Hard to adapt to Common agri-cultural society
Lamb exports from New Zealand would’ve been blocked by EEC rules
Heath negotiated but De Gaulle vetoed
Britain supported the United Nations in Korea :
Soviet Union in north vs America in South
1950 - 53 - Sent 90 thousand troops
Over 1000 died after ceasefire in 1953
Demonstrated Britains role in foriegn affairs and cold war significant
US was greater power
In return for giving America a submarine base they agreed to give us the polaris missiles