Post war Foriegn policy

Cards (8)

  • Vietnam War
    • Gave moral support without military support
    • Highly unpopular with the left so risked losing support
    • Economic and financial - couldn't alienate the US as the value of the pound
  • WW2 has bankrupted Britain, badly damaged and burdened with debt and two new superpowers - USSR + America
    -1947 - British amabassador informs Washington of bankruptcy and would have to withdraw from Palestine, Turkey and Greece - same year independance is given to India marking colonial retreat
    • Lost empire but not found a role
  • EEC created in Schumann plan to guarantee safety in Europe especially with Cold War
  • Why did Britain not join the EEC?
    • Few politicians or journalists wanted Britain to take leadership in Europe
    • Left wing sceptical of free market principles in common market
    • Right preferred the commonwealth trade - Canada, new Zealand and Australia
    • Continental europes issue as Britain had won
    • Assumption that britain was still a great world power
    • Britain wanted to balance US relationship with Europe
  • 1961 EEC Macmillan Application : why?
    • Boost industrial production for large scale export market
    • Increase industrial efficiency with competition
    • Stimulate economic growth with rapidity already exhibited by EEC
    • US saw Britain as vital link between Europe and America
  • Why was it complex?
    Britain wanted to retain US relationship and commonwealth
    • Hard to adapt to Common agri-cultural society
    • Lamb exports from New Zealand would’ve been blocked by EEC rules
    • Heath negotiated but De Gaulle vetoed
  • Britain supported the United Nations in Korea :
    • Soviet Union in north vs America in South
    • 1950 - 53 - Sent 90 thousand troops
    • Over 1000 died after ceasefire in 1953
    • Demonstrated Britains role in foriegn affairs and cold war significant
    • US was greater power
  • In return for giving America a submarine base they agreed to give us the polaris missiles